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Republicans are Left-Wingers

Yep. Today’s Republicans are left-wing liberals. Therefore, if you’re a conservative and you vote for Republicans because you want conservative reforms, you are either being stupid or irrational. Here are the facts that prove it: Most REPUBLICANS want...

America Continues To Move Left

I have written several articles already showing all the facts and stats that clearly demonstrate America is a left-wing country and continues to move left. If your answer is “But what about Trump???” then remember that more people voted for the Lizard Queen (the worst...

The Mindset of the American Voter

A commenter at Scott Adams blog unwittingly describes exactly why America is screwed… I voted for Obama twice. The first time, in my mind, he was a good guy, standing up to the political class. I knew nothing about his pedigree or how he was groomed by the...

Our New Form Of Government: Bush-Obamaism

Is the USA an example of capitalism? Socialism? Corporatism? Fascism? It’s none of those! It’s a new form of government never seen before called Bush-Obamaism. I shall describe how Bush-Obamaism works. Massive government and government growth is extremely important...